Community Outreach Project
September 2023
Skylan Ann Sellers

Did you know that September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month?
Every year, Dance Expressions choose to #gogold for children with cancer!
Our goal is to help raise awareness & money for pediatric cancer.
On April 2, 2023 there was a little girl named Skylan Ann who gained her beautiful angel wings. Skylan was a precious toddler, who lived right here in our community.
We are truly honored & thankful for the opportunity Erica & Blake have given us!
Next Friday, September 1, 2023 will be the day our fundraising will begin!
To learn how you can be apart of #gogoldforskylanann, like our Facebook page Dance Expressions or follow us on Instagram @danceexpressionsga
#skylanstrongforever #childhoodcancerawareness #gogold #gogoldforskylanann #gogoldforchildhoodcancer #dancersgogold #danceexpressionsga #investigniteinspire